The Order field allows clarity relevant to the uniqueness and conceptual validity to the ideas generated. Ideas are broken down into three separations and graded by placing an “X” in the appropriate box, [A], [B] or [C].

[A] – Low Hanging Fruit: These ideas are practical and offer immediate benefit or advantages. These are ideas, which seem valuable, practical and useable. They may need further refinement but we can immediately recognize their potential and implementation without thinking about how to make that happen.

[B] – Beginning of an Idea: These ideas may have definite potential but need to be developed further. They are the beginning of an idea, which will require additional thinking and refining to make it useful to meet the requirements. It has characteristics that are interesting, unique and valuable.

[C] – Concept: These ideas are direct concepts, broad concepts or indirect concepts behind a specific idea. Moving concepts into implementation is usually not immediately possible. These ideas are usually possible for second-generation evolution of the original idea because they take additional process time to develop. This development typically costs more than the original requirement will allow.